Here is some very valuable guidance I received on my way, I'd like to share it with you.
Keto Clarity
by Jimmy Moore
This book changed the way I see what are REAL nutrients for my body. I was vegetarian and on low fat diet for several years thinking to be doing "the right thing". But my skin condition wasn't improving and I was finding myself at very low energy levels all the time, sometimes barely coping with normal day activities, it was clear to me that something substantial was missing.
A friend gave me this book as I was very sceptical that fats is what out bodies need. I was still very sceptical as I started trying it out but I gave it a go and omg it was life changing! I'm so grateful for friends that don't give up on us.
It is worth trying, at least for a while, to see if it works for you, and I bet it will.
The Biology of Belief
by Bruce H. Lipton PhD
It is environment that is crucial, environment overrules genetics. What you eat, what you do, what you think and how you feel determines it all.
The spontaneous Healing of Belief
by Gregg Braden
If you ever underestimated a prayer this book might be your guide to find out what a prayer is really about and how powerful it can be.
Energy Medicine
by Donna Eden, with David Feinstein
Donna is a wonderful, very energetic being. She has an amazing gift - she sees the energy field of a person. She healed herself from multiple severe conditions with her own simple technics that don't cost much time but if repeated daily bring a steady positive change.
The Completion Process: The Practice of Putting Yourself Back Together Again
by Teal Swan
We all carry unhealed wounds within us. It's time to give them our undivided attention and hold some loving space for them to heal. Teal absolutely knows what she is talking about, she has found a way through the most deep of the wounds.
The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness
by Richard Moss
This is simply the most profound writing I ever came across on how to live in this physical dimension. That's it.
"Maybe you are searching among branches for what only appears in the Roots."